Künstler Portrait in Berlin - Künstlerinnen Fotos
Boost your visual artist image
Künstler*Innen Portrait - Copyright ©Maria Rapela
KünstlerInnen: Elsye Suquilanda, Sandra Rosas, Timo Berger, Izaskún Gracia, Mara Mahía, Berlin John, Xueh Magrini, John, Xueh Magrini, Nora Sturm, Alex und John Gailla, Vanessa Milan, Jeanna Serikbayeba, Amelia Nin, Karina Villavicencio
Artist portrait
Studio portrait
Business Licence
(incl. 19% VAT)
Künstler Portrait in Berlin
We will do a photoshooting in a photo studio in Berlin-Wedding. Optional (extra) mini outdoor-shootingto have a wider selection of images. Duration: about 1. hour.
Then you can choose the photos at your leisure at home. Then I edit the selected photos and send it to your email address for downloading
You will receive 1 x photo in JPG format with professional image editing
Selection from about 100-150 different shots
Different outfits possible
Up to 3 different background colors
You can pay by bank transfer or by Paypal at the end.
Additional photos with image editing, retouching and license 50€ mit Basic bearbeitung oder 75€ mit Profi bearbeitung (Haut, Haare..)
Reportage on site
Business Licence
(incl. 19% VAT)
Künstler Portrait in Berlin
I would love to visit your studio or rehearsal space. There I will capture you doing what you love: Rehearsing, dancing, painting or playing an instrument. I want to portray you in your natural environment, in the place where you express your art.
I will give you a diverse range of portraits and situations that you can use for your online presence. Whether on your website, in social media or in the press - with these photos you will show off your best self.
Dauer: ca. 1-1,5. Stunden
Then you can choose the photos at your leisure at home. Then I edit the selected photos and send it to your email address for downloading
Sie erhalten 8 x Fotos im JPG Format mit basic Bildbearbeitung
Selection from about 100-150 different shots
Sie können naher per Banküberweisung oder per Paypal bezahlen
Additional photos with image editing, retouching and license 50€ mit Basic bearbeitung oder 75€ mit Profi bearbeitung (Haut, Haare..)
Author-Writer Headshots
Book release Licence
(incl. 19% VAT)
Artist portraits
Writer Book publication
Are you planning to publish a new book and need a photo for the book and book promotion? Is it a self-publishing project? Or will a publisher cover the costs for the images? Prices vary depending on the number of copies to be published. This price is the starting point for independent authors, small publishers, self-publishers and for a single edition of the book. If you later publish another book or a second edition and want to use the same photo, you will need to purchase the printing rights for the new book.
Dauer: ca. 1-1,5. Stunden
Then you can choose the photos at your leisure at home. Then I edit the selected photos and send it to your email address for downloading
You will receive 1 x photo in JPG format with professional image editing
Different outfits possible
Selection from about 100-150 different shots
Different outfits possible
You can pay by bank transfer or by Paypal at the end.
Zusätzliche Fotos mit Profi Bildbearbeitung, Retusche und Lizenz kosten 150€
Retusche Profi Paket Portrait: Die professionelle Bearbeitung umfasst die Korrektur von Flecken auf der Kleidung, die Retusche von Haut, Pickeln und roten Stellen, sowie das Entfernen von losen Haaren, um ein möglichst natürliches Aussehen zu erhalten u.a. Wenn Sie eine zusätzliche Retusche wünschen, werde ich diese kostenlos durchführen. Danach kosten alle zusätzlichen Retuschen 50€ pro Foto.
Rights of use für Freiberufliche KünstlerInnen, für eigene Werbung, Presse, Social Media, Website, kleine Flyer und Katalog oder kleine Plakate.
Advertising campaigns, book publication: If you want print rights for a photo (e.g. for a publisher/book or large advertising campaigns), they will be charged and licensed separately.
Payment options: You can pay by bank transfer or by Paypal at the end.
The prices are valid in the Berlin area and include 19% VAT.
Künstler Portrait in Berlin: Fotoreportage in your studio or atelier
Artist Portrait - Artist Portrait in Berlin. Let me come to your studio and showcase your art. I will capture your passion, your work space and your creative process to spark people’s curiosity and admiration for your work. You can use these photos not only on your website, but also for engaging content on social media or for your newsletter. With personalized photos and fresh material about your activity, you will boost the attention and interest of your followers and potential customers.
Künstler Portrait in Berlin: Fotoreportage bei der Tanz-, Performance- oder Theaterprobe
If you have received funding to develop an artistic project, you will need to write a summary of your activity and show that you have worked. A series of photographs to go along with your document or portfolio for future projects will be a great asset and a sign that you are passionate and professional about your art and have documented your work.
Artist portrait - photo reportage during rehearsal work:
Project: Locker Ruf, Concept: Annick Schadeck and Luc Spada, Choreography: Annick Schadeck, Text and sound: Luc Spada, Dancers: Annick Schadeck and Jeanna Serikbayeva
With the support of Fonds Culturel National du Luxembourg - FOCUNA, Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg, Uferstudios for Contemporary Dance, Berlin-Wedding.
An artist portrait as part of your marketing and advertising strategy
You deserve better than the photos from your last vacation to present yourself as an artist in press releases, at festivals and on your own website. A professional photo shows how much you care about your work and professional image. Artist portraits should be seen as part of your marketing and advertising strategy to promote your name as an artist.

1- Xueh Magrini - Artists Portrait - Academic Portrait - https://www.uni-goettingen.de 2- Elsye Suquilanda, Casa Bukowsky, Cinema Film Festival 3-Karina Villavicencio -Network dialogue #7: Inclusion & Participation (https://state-studio.com/program/netzdialog7) 4- Karina Villavicencio, WDR, Cosmo Radio, Interview 5- Kysy Fischer Ballhaus Naunystrasse, Portrait female artists, Berlin 5- Annick Shadeck-Locker Ruf, Berlin-Buehnen. 6-Berlin John, Der Spiegel
Artist Portrait - Berlin - ©Photo Maria Rapela -
I am just a few minutes walk from the U(6) and S-Bahn station Wedding (Ringbahn). Only appointment
If you are interested in a photo shoot with me, please get in touch with me in advance so we can plan everything together. I will gladly help you with the selection of clothing and location, whether in the studio or outdoors. Also, you can book a stylist as an extra if you like.
I look forward to working with you and showcasing your art.
I offer a personalized service in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian.
Contact: Maria Rapela
Phone: 017 644 277 015
Email: info (@) mariarapelafoto (.) com
What can I do for you?
Write me here with all details and I will send you an unbinding offer.
I look forward to your message!
Künstler Portrait in Berlin: Das Bild, um sich als Künstlerin zu positionieren
As an artist, you may have a long journey to position yourself in your field. The key is to take the right steps to stand out and build a recognizable and reputable personal brand. Photography is one of the most important tools that artists:inside can use to enhance their professional and commercial image. An image that shows seriousness and professionalism. These factors create trust with potential clients, artist agencies, festivals, juries, as well as with potential buyers and the wider public. You need to see yourself as a brand, and you are the product. If you present yourself poorly, you will appear unprofessional.
Künstler Portrait in Berlin: Zeigen Sie der Welt, wofür Sie leidenschaftlich sind
If you are starting your business as a freelancer:in in Berlin and need a professional photo for your website or for the professional networks like LinkedIn or Xing. It can be a photo in your studio or workshop while you are working, a photo during an exhibition or in a photo studio. As an artist:in and depending on your industry, you should think about how you dress to reflect your character as an artist:in and what type of clothing you want to use to present yourself. Share your passion for what you do and let people see your workspace, studio or workshop. Share your world and show your professional work.
Künstler Portrait in Berlin: für Ihr Social Media-Profil und Ihr Media Kit
Prepare your press kit with artist photos to send to festivals and competitions. Don't think of it as an expense, think of it as an investment. A project without photos or a project with poor quality photos will hardly be noticed.